
Sustainable Summer has COMPLETELY changed my life. It exceeded my expectations in so many ways, and because of the amazing things I have experienced and learned, I feel like a more confident, knowledgeable, and worldly person. Our group was extremely intellectual and forward-thinking, and I learned SO much about the world and sustainability from our heated debates and stimulating conversations. Since I have gotten home, I have gone to the library to check out numerous books on my biggest interest coming out of the trip: sustainable agriculture. I am reading six different books about fair trade, organic, GMO-free, sustainably-grown food. I am also doing research on how to create a garden in my backyard, what plants will grow the best, and how to make a compost pile in my backyard. I also have been buying as much organic, fair-traded, GMO-free food as I can. I am planning on instituting a recycling program at my school. Learning all about sustainability and ways to implement the many different aspects of sustainability into my life has been such an enriching and eye-opening experience. I am now planning on studying some aspect of sustainability in college, hopefully sustainable agriculture; and I am definitely planning on having a career in sustainability… and simply living lighter and more sustainable for the rest of my life! I cannot put into words how amazing this trip to Costa Rica with Sustainable Summer was for me. I met the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, from the best friends in my group to the loving Ticos and Ticas. I saw the most beautiful jungles, rain forests, waterfalls, rivers, and animals that I have ever seen. I learned so much about sustainability, and discovered a passion for sustainable living. I experienced amazing cultures, and developed a love for this world and its many peoples. I became more confident in myself, and became a leader among my peers. I discovered more about myself and about the world around me in these three weeks than in the rest of my 16 years of living combined. I cannot thank Jeff and Anne and everyone at Sustainable Summer enough for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This experience has changed my life for the better, and I can’t wait to get out and travel the rest of the world, enlightening and inspiring others to save our exquisite planet!