
I did not expect much when signing up for this program, I assumed it would be pretty standard. I was so wrong. I cannot put into words how grateful I am for these past four weeks. I am so thrilled that I ended up coming and it was 100% worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. My interest in travel and environmentalism has sparked. I am so much more interested in agriculture and sustainable practices now. I think it effected how I am going to live my life in the future and the types of people I plan to surround myself with. I really enjoyed the outdoor activities and new experiences but what shocked me is the relationships I made with other students. I went in expecting to get along with the other students but put all my energy into the program and environment, but the incredible relationships I formed, and the people I met really surprised me. I think that the type of students who enroll in Sustainable Summer programs have a sort of independence, free spirit, and excitement about life that is difficult to find anywhere else. Choosing kids that are strong yet easy going, seems to lead to a well-rounded and intellectual group of individuals. My favorite memories are equally dispersed between conversations with my peers and activities. I made friends that, without a doubt, I will continue to connect with for a long time to come. Thank you!