Welcome Sustaining the Amazon Session II

Howdy Folks!

We hope y’all are as excited as we are to head on in to la selva (= jungle)

Kristi will be meeting you at the airport in a short while to bring you to Ecuador where we’ll meet up with Maclaine and head on out to the jungle.

Esperamos que ustedes estan tan emocionados como nosotros por esta aventura! (first test: understanding that sentence without using Google translate.)

Nos vemos pronto! Que les vayan bien!

– Maclaine y Kristi

This crazy photo has been included so that you can be sure to see Maclaine chilling in the hammock in the background. Hammocks are a very good thing!
This crazy photo has been included so that you can be sure to see Maclaine chilling in the hammock in the background. Hammocks are a very good thing!