Biting Off a Piece of The Big Apple

Hello from New Haven – and New York!

Busy days have been flying by here at Yale and yesterday was our adventure into New York City. We started the day off bright and early on a morning train into Grand Central. After marveling at Grand Central’s iconic constellation filled ceiling, we hopped on the subway into Brooklyn.

Pizza, bagels, and tacos – oh my! Grabbing lunch in Brooklyn brought on a wealth of tasty options for students to enjoy. Taste wasn’t the only sense getting a treat, we also enjoyed the many sights and sounds of the Brooklyn Flea while exploring vintage vendors offerings.

After lunch, one group ventured further into Brooklyn and another group enjoyed beautiful views while walking the Brooklyn Bridge back into Manhattan. Our Brooklyn group was on the hunt for a diamond in the rough, aka taking on Brooklyn’s vintage and thrift shopping scene! After a quick stop to admire the Manhattan skyline, our shoppers began their digging. Meanwhile, our Manhattan group made it back into the Financial District and hopped on the Staten Island ferry to wave hi to Lady Liberty!



Our groups reunited in Chinatown for a delicious dinner filled with noodles, dumplings, and boba! The train ride back to New Haven was filled with recounting of our adventures, showing off thrift finds, fits of laughter, and a whole lot of naps. Subways, trains, buses, and lots of walking on our own two feet brought us back to cozy beds at Yale. Lots more adventure awaits this week!

Best wishes from Yale!