Articles by Sustainable Summer

Biting Off a Piece of The Big Apple

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Hello from New Haven – and New York! Busy days have been flying by here at Yale and yesterday was our adventure into New York City. We started the day off bright and early on a morning train into Grand Central. After marveling at Grand Central’s iconic constellation filled ceiling, we hopped on the subway… Read More

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Welcome to Yale

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The sweaty, swampy weather in New Haven has not slowed this group of sustainability leaders down! After a hot move-in day, we jumped right into orientation and got ready for a jam packed first day. What’s better than exploring Yale’s beautiful campus? Exploring Yale’s campus with new friends! Yesterday, students went on a scavenger hunt… Read More

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Program Guide to Cornell: A Student Perspective

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  Hi, my name is Autumn, and I attended Sustainable Summer at Cornell in 2023. I currently live in Texas, but I’m graduating high school this spring, and then I’ll be heading to college. I’m planning on majoring in environmental science, and pursuing law school to become an environmental lawyer. Sustainable Summer gave me lasting… Read More

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Sustainable Summer at Dartmouth 2024 Update
Sustainable Summer at Dartmouth 2024 Update

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We receive a lot of inquiries about our Dartmouth program and wanted to provide an explanation why we are not able to offer a session there for Summer 2024. Beginning in 2022 and expected to span 12 years, Dartmouth plans to renovate residence halls comprising roughly 60% of all student dorm beds. The current phase… Read More

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Summer 2024
Summer 2024

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We will open our application for Summer 2024 sessions at Yale and Cornell on Friday Nov 17th at 5pm Eastern. Sc3 will begin accepting applications in early January. We will not be running a program at Dartmouth this summer due to extensive residence hall renovations that are impacting available summer housing. We expect to offer… Read More

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On We Go

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After stretching down from Saturday’s hike on the Appalachian Trail, students woke up on Sunday and attended two of an assortment of faculty-led workshops. In Guerilla Gardening, students explored the reclamation of People’s Park in Berkeley, CA and discussed the efficacy of the seed bomb. In Earthcation, students examined the environmental implications of travel. Other… Read More

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What’s Your Sustainability Superpower?

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What’s your sustainability superpower? This is one of the questions we ask as part of our admissions process (along with what’s your kryptonite). It’s a fun question that helps us understand what motivates someone to “act sustainably,” which is a useful barometer to gauge a student’s interest in and readiness for our program. So, we… Read More

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Final Post for Costa Rica 2019

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The past few days of our trip have been amazing. Let me take you on a literary journey through all we have done at our newest location, Nosara Costa Rica. After arriving at the Playa Pelada Beach Camp Tuesday afternoon, we walked down to Playa Pelada to watch the sunset. I took this as an… Read More

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Final Updates for Costa Rica 2019

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We spent this past weekend at Rancho Mastatal exploring the area and learning about some of their practices in being more sustainable. After breakfast on Saturday we did a half hour hike to a river where we spent some time swimming and climbing rocks. We had lunch after our hike back when it started raining… Read More

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Update from Costa Rica 2019

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Here are two updates from our Costa Rica crew (no pics unfortunately due to very limited internet bandwidth): Family & Friends: Even with the vicious mosquitoes, random bouts of rain & soaked sneakers, Costa Rica has been magical! Yesterday, we started our morning with yoga. As we hoisted our partners into the air we caught… Read More

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