Month: July 2019

Update from Costa Rica 2019

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Here are two updates from our Costa Rica crew (no pics unfortunately due to very limited internet bandwidth): Family & Friends: Even with the vicious mosquitoes, random bouts of rain & soaked sneakers, Costa Rica has been magical! Yesterday, we started our morning with yoga. As we hoisted our partners into the air we caught… Read More

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Dartmouth Session Comes to a Close

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Well, it’s that time. Students are exchanging tear-filled farewells after two incredible weeks living and learning together. An intense “3-day Start Up” culminated with pitches on Thursday evening. Our eight teams worked hard to shape an initial idea into a minimum viable product with a “go to market” strategy. In no particular order, we had… Read More

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Costa Rica Update: Daniel’s Farm

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Today is Sunday the 21st and we went to Don Daniel Vega’s organic farm! Breakfast was amazing, as usual, and at 8:30 am off we went to build a mandala garden. We made a sun-like shape, and it only took a couple hours! While we waited for the soil to settle we each took turns… Read More

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Dartmouth Continues

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They say time flies when you’re having fun, but maybe we should say it’s hard to bee-lieve we are already past the halfway point of our program! The past couple days have been filled with birthdays, bees, and business lessons. The students have spent time this week working on group projects researching companies to learn… Read More

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Greetings from EARTH University

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Welcome to Earth University! Today was our first official full day at Earth U. To start the morning, we went down to the cafeteria to have a heart and delicious breakfast. We then got into a van to visit the first farm of the day. At the farm, a student named Andrea talked and walked… Read More

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Dartmouth Begins

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The Dartmouth program has officially begun and is well underway! The past couple of days have flown by, and they have been packed with lessons about environmental entrepreneurship; guest speakers; and some time for team-building. We jumped right into our programming on Monday morning when we visited the Dartmouth Ropes Course. Students worked on their… Read More

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Rio Pacuare Rafting

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These past few days have been nothing short of phenomenal! The first morning of the program was spent traveling from San Jose to meet our guides for rafting throughout the Pacuare River. They were really welcoming and funny. After a couple hours of fun-filled, thrilling, and sometimes nerve-racking paddling we made it to our ecolodge…. Read More

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Our Last Few Days in Brooklyn

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Two action-packed weeks have come to a close. The last 72 hours included a visit to the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment facility, Kingsland Wildflowers, a walking tour of the financial district, the Billion Oyster Project, and lots of time dedicated towards our design challenge. The program concluded with some classic NYC experiences – Broadway (Phantom… Read More

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Gowanus, Red Hook, Broadway, and More

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We’ve been staying busy in Brooklyn (and Manhattan) with our time split between site visits, project ideation, and workshops. Friday began with a session on design thinking methodology followed by a visit to Higgins Hall, the site of our design challenge. Students took some initial measurements to understand the volume of stormwater runoff from the… Read More

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Brooklyn Update: Kayaking, Rockaway, and More

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Greetings from NYC where we have had a busy four days! We kicked off our session on urban sustainability with a visit to the SIMS recycling facility in Sunset Park followed by lunch at the Industry City food hall just down the street. Then it was time for our sustainability scavenger hunt, with teams solving… Read More

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